MH Philosophy

MovementHolic is the representation of Claudia’s endless passion for Movement, Optimal Function, and Wellbeing.

Humans are meant to move and they are meant to enjoy it. Learning to do it well and often, is key to preventing and fixing potential injuries as well as to feeling mentally and physically great.

Claudia’s work philosophy centers on bespoke holistic healthcare. By listening, understanding, and correcting, she teaches her patients to learn about their bodies, restore the natural alignments, balances, and functions and enjoy healthy living.


Claudia graduated in 2006 in Italy with a BSc (Honours) in Physiotherapy then continued her studies in Belgium, where has been awarded a first-class Masters in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. In 2008 Claudia started her career in London where she gained over 14 years of experience in private Physiotherapy and Pilates clinics. In 2015 she became a certified Connect Therapy practitioner after completing the full course in London and Sydney (Australia).