Surgery Rehab

Pre/Post Surgery Rehab

Pre and post-surgery rehab are critical chapters in your journey toward a smoother, faster recovery, and at MovementHolic, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

Pre-Surgery Rehab

Pre-operative treatment and training focus on improving overall movement and strength allowing a much quicker and more efficient recovery post-surgery. It is also a crucial part to learn about your post-operative holistic recovery process and manage anxiety related to the procedure.

Post-Surgery Rehab

After surgery, you will be advised by your surgeon on how soon you can start with physiotherapy.

Post-operative rehab aims to:

  • Reduce complications following surgery

  • Improve mobility, strength and control of the affected area

  • Avoid movement compensations

  • Retrain the whole body correct movements and patterns

  • Return to full daily function and sports activities

Whether you're scheduled for surgery or have recently undergone a procedure, our compassionate care and evidence-based approach will help you regain your strength, independence, and quality of life.

Holistic Physiotherapy

Why holistic?

A holistic approach is highly INDIVIDUALISED as every patient is UNIQUE. Treatments need to be tailored to that individual to help develop their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Holistic assessments explore not only the injury or symptom itself but also various aspects of the person’s LIFESTYLE. Stress and fatigue management, work-life balance and satisfaction, sleep quality, nutrition, exercise, and socio-psychological factors are all elements that need to be taken into consideration in a treatment program as they can massively impact short and long-term outcomes.

After a detailed interactive assessment, each patient will receive a clear explanation of the potential issue and will be guided through a comprehensive and holistic treatment plan tailored to personal needs and goals.

A holistic treatment plan is designed to provide a WHOLE-BODY SOLUTION by including explanations, reassurance, manual techniques, verbal and tactile cueing, postural and movement correction, exercises, adjustments, and progression as well as relevant lifestyle advice.

In order to achieve the best possible results, treatments always aim to improve the quality of movement, function, confidence, and understanding of optimal wellbeing aspects.


Gait/running analysis and movement screening (kids and adults)

Persistent pain treatment and management

Therapeutic hands-on techniques: massage therapy, mobilisations and manipulations

Hypermobility injuries management and training

Spinal and postural disorders rehabilitation and corrective exercise (kids and adults)

Musculoskeletal and repetitive strain injuries treatment.

Stress awareness and management training

Back pain treatment and management